TBBT ist in den USA einer der teuersten Werbeplätze

Anyone in the U.S. who wants to place commercial between the nerds of the Big Bang Theory, have to dig really deep into their pockets. The CBS gives the coveted spot places for about 326.000 Dollars for 30 seconds.

Converted, it is 241,000 euros. Compared with top events like the Super Bowl, these are indeed small amounts, however, there is hardly more expensive broadcast spots for commercials on American TV. The reason for these expensive spots is the unbroken popularity of the nerd sitcom. More than 19 million viewers per episode speak for themselves.

On the German TV nerds got a record with 16.1 percent market share among 14 to 19 - year-old viewers with the broadcast of the final episode, however, the rates for advertising rarely exceed 50,000 Euros. These only goes up on the Christmas holidays and can reach prices up to 200,000 euros for 30 seconds.